Spoštovani poslovni partner,
Želimo vam, da bi se vam uresničile vse želje,
pričakovanja in sanje ne glede kako visoko ciljate.
Naj vas vedno spremlja sreča in zdravje :)
Ekipa WebiCom in
Erik Dimitrijevič
Respected business partner,
We wish you happy holidays and a prosperous New Year 2020, especially a lot of success in both business and personal level, and of course health and happiness for all your family members. We want to build a common path of success and that together we can look forward to your and our success and we are confident that with joint efforts and cooperation we will succeed.
In the period from 25.12.2017 to 2.1.2018 telephone support will not be possible. Operations will be conducted only through the support system http://www.webicom.net/prijava-za-stranke with the estimated response time of 2 hours or for general management issues through e-mail info@webicom.net with a response time of 2 hours.
Team WebiCom
CEO: Erik Dimitrijevic