Spoštovani poslovni partner,
Za nami in kot kaže še nekaj časa pred nami so nekoliko težji časi. Precej smo omejeni z druženjem zato letos tisih najbolj zvestih poslovnih partnerjev ne moremo obiskati in obdariti s kakšno malenkostjo. Težko je tudi predvideti kaj nas vse skupaj še čaka vseeno pa upamo, da bo prihodnost vztrajno postajal boljša in bomo kmalu spet v ustaljenih tirnicah tako v privat življenju kot tudi v poslovnem.
Ob tej priliki želim kot lastnik podjetja vsem našim strankam veliko uspeha v prhajajočem letu 2021 in predvsem zdravja. Želim vam, da se vam uresniči vse, kar si sami želite. Vesel bom sodelovanja z vami še naprej in se vam iskreno zahvaljujem za izkazano zaupanje do sedaj. Trudil se bom, da vam bo WebiCom v teh časih stal ob strani in omogočal zanesljivo on-line poslovanje, ki marsikomu v teh časih pomeni edini vir dohodka.
V času praznikov in zaradi stanja covid-19 v državi bo pri nas veljal spremenjen način dela:
V času od 23.12.2020 do 4.1.2021 telefonska podpora ne deluje. Seveda to ne pomeni, da ne delamo. Dela potekajo skoraj normalno le, da za nujne zadeve odprite podporni zahtevek v up. računu Moj WebiCom na povezvi https://www.webicom.net/moj-webicom/ kjer bo vaš zahtevek prevzet predvidoma v roku 2-eh ur. Podporni zahtevek lahko odprete tudi tako, da pošljete email iz vašega registriranega emaila za Moj Webicom na pomoc@webicom.net. Za vse ostale zadeve pošljite sporočilo na info@webicom.net in odgovorili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
Srečno, zdravo in uspešno vam želimo
Ekipa Webicom
Respected business partner,
Hard times are behind us and ahead of us. We are quite limited with socializing, so this year we cannot visit the four most loyal business partners and give a small gift as a sign of gratitude. It is also difficult to predict what awaits us, but we hope that the future will steadily get better and we will soon be back on track both in private life and in business.
On this occasion, as the owner of the company, I wish all our customers a lot of success in the upcoming 2021 and especially to stay healthy. I wish you that everything you want most come true. I look forward to working with you further on and I sincerely thank you for your trust so far. I will try to keep WebiCom by your side during these times and enable reliable online business, which is the only source of income for many people in these times.
During the holidays and due to the covid-19 situation in the country, we will have a changed way of working:
In the period from 23.12.2020 to 4.1.2021, telephone support does not work. That doesn’t mean we don’t work of course. Work is going on almost normally. You can contact us by email or open support request at My WebiCom account (https://www.webicom.net/moj-webicom/) and your support ticket will be processed within 2 hours. You can also open a support request by sending an email from your registered My Webicom account to pomoc@webicom.net. For all other matters, send a message to info@webicom.net and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We wish you happiness, health and success
Webicom team